- A girl wh0 stays at h0me kn0ws much m0re than a guy wh0 is hanging 0ut m0st 0f the day!c0z girls l0ve g0ssip..
- Guys never n0tice differences in their friend's appearance unless the difference is t0o 0bvi0us (like a very p0or haircut). But with girls, it's n0t the case..Try walking t0 y0ur friend wh0 is a girl with a small stain 0n ur shirt which is usually unn0ticeable..u w0uld get caught within the first couple of minutes.
Guys try their best 2 b caring but they r n0t designed 4 that..Girls 0ften tend 2 care m0re than what u want them 2.. If u r d0wn with fever and u let ur best friend wh0 is a girl kn0w,u'll end up answering the phone at least 20 times that day..she called just 2 ask u b0ut ur health..
Alm0st every1 has s0me childishness in him/her..The fam0us qu0te "There is n0 p0int gr0wing up if u cann0t be a child at times" is an illustrati0n 0f that fact..H0wever, the pr0p0rti0n 0f girls 0bserved 2 be childish is much higher than guys..
Even the m0st silent girl is highly talkative within her gr0up..guys usually d0nt talk t0o much like girls..c0z they d0esn't like 2 share their pr0blem with 0thers..
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