- many girls r p0ssessive b0ut their friends and bel0ngings!
- girls l0ve 2 g0 4 wind0w sh0pping b4 buy anything bc0z they want 2 make sure what is the best 4 them..they will check the quality and ask 4 0pini0n..but guys juz g0 2 sh0pping mall and b0ught what they want with0ut l0oking 4 an0ther ch0ice..
- Girls seem 2 depend 0n s0me1 way t0o much either em0ti0nally 0r pers0nally but at the same time they easily switch preferences..S0me1 wh0 was inevitable a c0uple 0f years back bec0mes a g0od friend t0day and a g0od contact tomorrow..At any point, a pers0n wh0 sh0ws a l0t f interest 0n her is always c0nsidered the best by a girl..
- Wit the brain being l0cked in an em0ti0nal trap, girls usually end up taking decisi0ns purely 0ut 0f their heart which in m0st cases will n0t be c0rrect..Ir0nically, even after realizing that they made a mistake, it is s0metime imp0ssible 4 them 2 c0rrect dat.
- Girls enj0y guys falling 4 them but many d0 n0t want 2 reveal dat..A beautiful girl alm0st always c0nfirms dat the guys ar0und her r interested in her thr0ugh unn0ticeable gestures..Guys h0wever str0ng juz start shaking at the sight of a beautiful girl staring at them and get caught..But a girl never reveals anything m0re than a smile at the corner of her lips... Gets hard 4 the guys 2 assess her pulse..=)
im n0t sure b0ut all dis..but dis is what i saw in real life..it is my 0bservati0n..girls is c0mplicated..but 0nce u get 2 kn0w them u will l0ve 2 b ar0und them..we r unique dats y we r different fr0m b0ys..s0ft and hard 2 resist..s0 guys..u need 2 b patient..try 2 understand girl..
MISS that moment. now we are so busy. and rarely see each other.
ReplyDeleteya..miss dat m0ment t0o..we nj0ying m0st 0f 0ur tme..if 0nly we cud turn back time..