Tuesday, January 25, 2011

natuRaL wAy t0 get beauTifuL eyEs.

i have a few tips to share with you on how to reduce dark circle and refresh your tired eyes.

  • Have a good night sleep and give enough rest to your eyes.

  • Refresh your eyes by splashing cold water on it.

  • Since eyes are very sensitive, buy good quality cosmetics. Never lend or use others eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara or eye shadow.

  • To soothe your tired eyes place cucumber slices on eye lids at least for ten minutes.

  • Wear a good quality sunglasses which protect your eyes from UV rays while going out in the sun.

  • Have a good  diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Red, orange, yellow and dark green vegetables, fruits and greens are very good for the eyes. Drink plenty of water.

  • Soak two spoon in cold water for a few minutes and put it on your both eyes. It refresh your tired eyes.

  • Slice one small piece off of a potato, and cut the slice in half. Put each slice under your eyes and leave them under your eyes for 20 minutes.

  • Soak cotton wool in chilled water keep it on your eyes for 5 minutes. This will refresh your eyes.

  • Rub your palms together and cover your eyes with palms to relax then.

  • For wrinkles or fine lines around the eyes, apply egg white, leave it till it dries and wash it off with cold water. 

  • For dark circles or bags under your eyes you can place slightly warm tea bags over your eyes, leave on for 10-15 minutes.

p/s : i 0nly do dis when im at h0me..depend on my mood...=)

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